Kenwood Outfall Storm Sewer and Roadway Improvements, Phase 1 – Commerce City, Colorado
In October 2016, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) contracted with American West for the construction of the improvements associated with Kenwood Outfall in Commerce City, Colorado. The project entailed storm drainage improvements that required the installation of 1,748 linear feet of 84″ RCP at a depth of 21 feet, along with the installation of 11 manholes and 14 inlet structures. Over half of a mile of roadway was rehabilitated; including earthwork and reconditioning, installation of 2,667 feet of curb, gutter and sidewalk, and over 4,800 tons of asphalt.
There were several site constraints on this project, which included; High Voltage Overhead Electric and multiple sanitary and water service crossings.
American West Construction successfully completed the project under budget in September 2017.